No more "read more"

March 2014 WordPress Theme
GK User
Fri Apr 10, 2015 11:42 am
I've update my News2 Template from 1.0.1 to the latest version on my blog
If I remeber well I had no chlid template or personalise files: so I just upload it, import my previous settings and upload my 2 previous language pack.

In the previous version the "read more" button was display and translated. In this version I have no more "read more" button on the categories pages (frontpage is only using widget without the "read more") and I can't find where I can activate it. Is it in a CSS file ?

If I switch back to the previous template "read more" is display (on FTP I change the name of the folder News2-old to News2)

Thanks for your help,
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:28 pm

As i remember there was no read more on cateogory pages (only date ad comments count).
Could you send me a private message with your website backend and FTP access? Then I'll compare the files and maybe find the solution.
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GK User
Fri Apr 10, 2015 1:41 pm

Thanks for your help. Before asking you to spend time on my blog, maybe the best alternative for me cloud be to switch to a more recent Gavick template. In your opinion what's your template that fit the best (and is the best for responsive) for a blog with news, reviews and tutos ?
Best Regards,
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:01 am

News2 theme relesa date was March 2014, so it's not very old theme and it's great if you have a really lot of content.
Check also the Writer theme, all of our recent themes are mobile friendly (responsive), so it should be your choice.
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GK User
Mon Apr 13, 2015 9:15 am
You're right and your answer help me well. Thanks a lot, now I'am ready to write a lot of contents for NAB Show news ;-)
Best regards,
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Fresh Boarder
