Gavern SEO Settings

March 2014 WordPress Theme
GK User
Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:40 pm
Hi there, this is a quick question around the Gavern SEO Settings. I want to use WordPress SEO by yoast as this is what I was always using. However I do notice a nice touch on the post pages that I assume the Gavern SEO Settings provide called "Open Graph Metatags", is this function provided by Gavern here? So I have 2 questions here really.

1. So if I use the WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast is it best practice to turn off the Gavern SEO Settings or does it make any difference if I leave them on?

2. If I do turn off the Gavern SEO Settings, does that mean the Open Graph Metatags open does not work? I think this would be useful as I assume this displays an image specifically for the SEO channels I use right?

Thanks in advance.
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GK User
Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:39 am

Regarding the questions:
1. Yes, you should disable Gavern SEO settings if you want to use other SEO plugin.

2. No, Open Graph is separated from basic SEO, you can disable Open Graph in Template Opitons - > Features tab (if you are going to use another open graph plugin) and yes, it's used to display images and description from your posts and pages to social channels like facebook.
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