I'd like to do something I have seen in a website. I don't know if it is possible but I think it is no so difficult.
I want the border-bottom with two colors, and to do that I've seen that I need the module title betwen <span> in order to create a css just for the text.
With firebug I can see this code in news2 template:
<div class="box ">
<h3 class="header">CATEGORÍAS</h3>
And in the other website the code is:
<div class="module-inner">
<h3 class="module-title "><span>CATEGORIAS</span></h3>
And then in css I can create a .box .header span {.........}
I'd like to do something like the image I send.
My question is, where or how can I place <span> for the module title???