Hello, I am just finishing my project with news2 template and I have my latest issues. I don't know if they are joomla or gk issue. I have been looking for a hay to solve ot but... I hope you could help me.
1.- Log-in: When someone log-in into the website is redirected to a default page when there is only a log-out button. I'd like to be redirected to page where he was previously. I have kunena forum extension installed and if someone log-in in its log-in form he remains in the same page. But I don't want to have 2 differents log-in form.... Also the redirection in the log-in component doesn't work.
2.- Registration e-mail: When someone register into the web he receives a confirmation e-mail, all ok. I know where to change the message (.ini) but I'd like to create a new mail, with logo, some button, etc... and in the .ini file I only can change the text. How could I do that??