1. I want my logo be the bigger, when I was trying to override css in template menu I see the logo twice, I want logo be bigger and when I scrolling, to be small (124 px width). Of course, I want my logo be responsive for all platforms: ipad, tablet, mobile phones... etc. Is there a solutions?
2. Which style of menu must be the homepage (category, featured article or what) . I didnt publish homepage because I dont know which kind of article is that... really. I put featured article, but something wrong when is publish. Also I have a problem with News Pro GK5 module (Politic, Lifestyle...) many empty space (as you can see on homepage when U get URL of my website).. . Something wrong. U must scrolling and scrolling to the end of the page, but nothing happens, it is blank...
3. How to use RSS feed and can I put youtube and other socials icon in social position? And how?
4. Famous YOUR ACCOUNT, i read about that on forum, but still confused. I want put user menu in user area position, and i want menu like him (https://www.gavick.com/forums/news2-joo ... work-34858), picture is in att. I dont know how to do that, I have k2 component and I dont know how to insert k2 in registration and edit profile form.
5. Your form for Newsletter => Is just a form or I can use some extensions *like Acy mailing* instead of that? and how?
6. where is breadcrumbs?
6. I delete, not by my false, search module *mod_search and now I dont have it. Is there any solutions to get back? must I have especially page for search, because few days ago when I search (advance smart search module), I see many blank space.. Is there any solutions to search result be on blank page, without modules on the left and right sidebar? Also, when I get results of searches, I see in URL very strange caracters like URL + component,highlight.somethingblahblah... It might be a problem when users click on title and want to share article... Facebook will thing that is not the same URL of ordinary article... and It will the problem. How to fix that (in case that is possible to get back search),
7. I dont need weather module, is it possible to insert some other module in that position? and what is the settings?
8. I want smaller font for *read more* in highlight (right position, e.g.)...
Thank you for your time.