How can i show publish date of an article in Joomla Tag Category View?
teitbite wrote:Hi
I cannot find where the write code is in component. Have You changed anything there ? Please send me an access to ftp so I'll look for this in Your site directly.
Upload failed (/var/www/avmindirim.com/public_html/components/com_tags/views/tags/tmpl/default_items.php-7f63d3e5-9609-4032-8b27-be4f9adb0b0b).
Permission denied (SSH_FX_PERMISSION_DENIED: The user does not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation.). Please contact your web hosting service provider for assistance.
<div class="item-date"><?php echo JHtml::_('date', $item->tag_date, 'j F Y'); ?></div>
<div class="item-date"><?php echo JHtml::_('date', $item->core_created_time, 'j F Y'); ?></div>
teitbite wrote:Hi
I have added this code to /components/com_tags/view/tag/tmpl/default_items.php
- Code: Select all
<div class="item-date"><?php echo JHtml::_('date', $item->tag_date, 'j F Y'); ?></div>
than I copied this file to /html/com_tags/tag/ folder.
It's closest to the look You have on category pages. Unfortunately it's not easy to make it show over the line, so I hope it can stay like that.
teitbite wrote:Hi
I do not understand, but if You are asking if the code You pasted is correct than I must say I do not know. I do not think a value item->core_created_time exists so there will be no date displayed at all. Tags has a very few informations prepared from You can chose from.
What are You trying to do ?