My website is with username gavick and password gavick. Template override is enabled.
This is the result I want to get:
I mean the image with width=300 on the left (float = left)
To get that I upload to the k2 item the main-original image with width about 1000px so it is associated to the item and it appears in his k2 category, News Show Pro GK5 module,... then I upload on the server (no to the k2 item) the same image resized to width=300 and I add the html code to display it inside the k2 item article.
That means I upload twice the same image (once with the original width and once resized to 300px).
Once I uploaded the original image is there a way to tell to Joomla to show the resized image to the left with fixed width=300px and with float left instead of display it at the top with width=100%?