I have few issues with News 2 Joomla 3.x
1. article_inset: I have assigned a module for this position for joomla articles but it only shows blank space, no content at all. (although, I tested on inset position only that seems to work but not article_inset)
2. I have module (news show pro gk5) to position just after single article finishes (after Prev and Next buttons). I have enabled comments (komento component) due to this, module goes at the bottom of the page after Comments. I would like to position just below Prev - Next buttons, above comments. mainbody_bottom or mainbody positions have no impact on its positioning. Module goes well at the bottom of the page.
2a). I would like to display this module only under Single article page. At the moment it displays under Blog/Category layout as well. How do I only make it possible to view on Single article page for specific Menu item?