i see always this date time there: updated 11:00 PM CET, Feb 10, 2015
It never changes. Where do you take this time?
website: http://www.keinedomainjetzt.at/
// No direct access.
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
// Used helper function
if(!function_exists('gk_get_last_update')) {
function gk_get_last_update($table, $column, $state) {
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$date = JFactory::getDate("now");
$now = $date->toSql(true);
$date_query = 'SELECT '.$column.' FROM #__'.$table.' WHERE '.$state.' = 1 AND '.$column.' <= '.$db->Quote($now).' ORDER BY '.$column.' DESC LIMIT 1;';
if($dates = $db->loadAssocList()) {
foreach($dates as $date) {
return strtotime($date[$column]);
// Basic variables
$final_date = 0;
$new_date = 0;
// get joomla created dates
$final_date = gk_get_last_update('content', 'created', 'state');
// check if any modify date isn't later
$new_date = gk_get_last_update('content', 'modified', 'state');
if($new_date > $final_date) $final_date = $new_date;
// the same for K2 if exist
if(file_exists(JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_k2'.DS.'helpers'.DS.'route.php')) {
$new_date = gk_get_last_update('k2_items', 'created', 'published');
if($new_date > $final_date) $final_date = $new_date;
// return the final results
$new_date = gk_get_last_update('k2_items', 'modified', 'published');
if($new_date > $final_date) $final_date = $new_date;
echo JText::_('TPL_GK_LANG_UPDATE_DATE') . ' ' . JHtml::date($final_date, JText::_('TPL_GK_LANG_UPDATE_DATE_FORMAT'));
// EOF
// No direct access.
defined('_JEXEC') or die;
echo JText::_('TPL_GK_LANG_UPDATE_DATE') . ' ' . JHtml::date(date(), JText::_('TPL_GK_LANG_UPDATE_DATE_FORMAT'));
// EOF