I use the news template for my site camagazin.hu. I tried to install news2 template, but I got an error message (below) What should I do to install the template? Thank you!
Hi, this is very common error, but not always is associated with template itself. 1) I suggest make small test install any other template (small zip file, free) 2) Check folder rights
My server provider upgraded it's server's php version from 5.3.3 to 5.4 few months ago. I had a lots of problem on that day. Pictures dissapeared (I had to clear the cache) and module ( SP Stock) killed my whole website, so I had to unpublish that module. I think this problem also due to that php upgrade. What should I do? As far as I know the biggest difference the versions is the php 5.4 does not support Global Registry anymore.
In most cases just disable those modules which cases a problems and use alternative solution if current modules don't work. Or ask their developers what you can do.
I have demo of NEWS2 on PHp 5.4 since beginning, and no errors with default package.