K2 frontend editing doesn't work in NEWS 2

February 2014 Joomla Template
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GK User
Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:43 pm
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When i try to submit K2 item from the front-end, the 'SAVE' and 'CLOSE' button in the item form don't respond. As a result K2 items can't be submitted or edited from the front-end in NEWS 2.
I have a copy of NEWS 2 quickstart installed on my server to test whether it was my site (based on NEWS 2 quickstart) or something do to with the quickstart. After setting up all K2 users option (set myself as Site owner) and enable K2 front end editing, I open the item form from the front end to submit a new item. The form opens find but the 'SAVE' or 'CLOSE' button don't respond in the NEWS 2 quickstart i installed.

Can you please take a look.

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Apr 10, 2015 3:17 pm
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Please try to switch to default template and then try to do the same thing. As I remember the K2 editing was not working even on the Protostar template so probably it is a bug in K2. If it will work in your case, we will try to debug it.
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GK User
Fri Apr 10, 2015 4:24 pm
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I found what the problem is. In the K2 Layout & Views parameter the 'JQuery Library handling' option is set to 'Do not load the JQuery Library' by default. When i change this option to 'Load v.1.11.x latest (remote copy), it works fine now.
So probably the form couldn't find the jQuery functions it uses.

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Fresh Boarder
