I have installed in template NEWS2 component Virtuemart2 - this is category view of Virtuemart: http://www.joomlapolis.cz/test/silvtest ... -kategorie - it is OK.
But when I display some product details from Virtuemart:
http://www.joomlapolis.cz/test/silvtest ... upa-detail
http://www.joomlapolis.cz/test/silvtest ... lda-detail
I have problem with CSS formatting of input field for quantity of product and with buttons for increase or decrease of quantity.
I cannot find why I do not see quantity of product in quantity field and why are incorrectly displayed images for increase or decrease of quantity.
If I switch to a template Atomic or Beez - all is OK.
There is some setting in template NEWS2 for input filed and input button, I can not figure out how to change it in override.css or vmsite-ltr.css (override for Virtuemart).
Please can you advise me? I spent hours on it already time and nothing.
Thank You.