Hi, I have this code as a post using the Frontpage template and it works fine:
<div class="box imagebg all widget_text col4 nth1 last1">
<div class="textwidget">
<h3 data-scrollreveal="enter right and move 200px over 1s wait 0.1s">Make money<br>sitting on your sofa</h3>
<img src="http://pebblecast.me/pebblecast/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/red-top.png" alt="red-top" width="2712" height="1360" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1691" />
(Basically I took that from your templates and changed the image & the h3 words.)
But when I use that code in a text widget on the Default Template, in the Top Widgets II area, and select "image background" as the widget style, the image "bleeds" over the Widget Area I above, and Main Body Top below, and also out beyond the edge of the frame into the background. There are no such problems when I use the code above as a post in the Frontpage template.
(I want to use image background as the widget style otherwise the h3 data-scrollreveal doesn't work. If I use "clear", "none", or "light color bg", for example, the data-scrollreveal does not style the same.)
I have tried removing all of the divs, removing some of the divs, adding divs, using smaller images, and putting the code in different widget areas but regardless, it does not display the same on the Default Template as it does on the Frontpage template.
Can you tell me what I am doing wrong? Is there a specific image size I should use in the Top Widgets II area? I tried using your gk_nsp_screen.png image as well, as it is a smaller size, but the same problem happens - when I use image background as the widget style, the widget area obscures the widget areas above and below, and bleeds over the edge of the frame onto the backgound.
Sorry if I am not using the correct terminology as I am not particularly familiar with CSS.
Thanks, Mark