Multiple columns in drop down menu

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GK User
Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:46 am
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I'm currently working on this website:

I want to have a list of products under a menu named "Product" in multiple columns. In order to that, I've created an article for each product under a category named "Product". Then assigned a News Show Pro GK5 with data source Joomla category -> Product category to position "menu1". In News Show Pro GK5 and article layout, I selected 2 columns and rows for the pagination.

However, as you see in the screenshot, articles are squeezed to one column. I have even changed the number of columns for the sub menu named "Newest Game" to 2 (in menu params) but it didn't change. I have also changed the menu width to 300px, again with no luck.

Is this because of the fixed width for the module position menu1?

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Fresh Boarder

Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:22 am
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You will have to add another column to submenu and than use another NSP module but with "First news" option set to a max number of articles from first module so it will not show same articles.
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GK User
Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:18 am
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Thanks, I got the idea.
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Fresh Boarder
