NSP Style Views for Category List Page

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GK User
Sun May 25, 2014 8:35 am
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I love the NSP module that you include with your templates. Its an awesome module and brings the site alive. What I am now trying to do is, make the appearance of the category list page more like the image+info style that NSP uses. For example in your demo menus you have the categories listed as a drop down list in 'Games' menu item. What I am trying to do is add a link to the Games category, which is a parent category that lists all of its sub-categories in it (like Playstation, Xbox, PC, etc..). The default appearance is really boring with the list view of the sub-categories and its not very appealing at all. I want to show the sub-categories like the box style with "Image + Sub Category Title at the bottom of the image". How can I create this appearance for these pages?

1) I tried googling and searching for extensions in JED and I couldnt find one that does this. If you do know of any, it will be helpful.

2) Can I display sub-categories like this without a need for additional extensions? I prefer to minimize the use of extensions unless its really needed.

3) Can I use the NSP module to show the categories in the page and then hide the original mainContent of that page using CSS similar to the method mentioned in your Documentation article?

4) Or is my only option is to create a custom layout view for these main category page? If yes, how can I do that?

Can someone advise me on how can I style the sub-categories listings in the parent category page? This is really important for me since I want the parent category to look really nice.
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Senior Boarder

Tue May 27, 2014 6:32 pm
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Ok. I believe we have same problem discussed couple of times before :) For anyone who may be looking for same answer. NSP doesn't support a layout of categories as such, just articles. Best option in this case is to use K2 category layout or joomla category layout inside component.
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