I had an issue with Avatars showing up in the NSP module via Easyblog. I contacted StackIdeas for the fix and wanted to share in case anyone else has the same issue or when Gavick fixes it. Here is what they said:
As for the NSP module, the module developer (Gavick) has somehow wrongly send the parameter for EasyBlogAvatarHelper::getAvatarUrl(). I've fixed it for you by adding this code:
- Code: Select all
require_once (JPATH_SITE.DS.'components'.DS.'com_easyblog'.DS.'helpers'.DS.'helper.php');
$blogger = EasyBlogHelper::getTable( 'Profile' , 'Table' );
$blogger->load( $item['author_id'] );
$info_author = ($config['user_avatar'] == 1) ? '<span><img src="'.EasyBlogAvatarHelper::getAvatarUrl($blogger).'" alt="'.$author.' - avatar" class="nspAvatar" width="'.$config['avatar_size'].'" height="'.$config['avatar_size'].'" /> '.$author_html.'</span>' : $author_html;
in this file /modules/mod_news_pro_gk5/tmpl/com_easyblog/view.php.