Thanks Pawel F - the captions are now showing on articles where they've been added via the J3 'images & links' tab in the article editor.
I have another captions related question related to legacy content.
I've transferred >5,000 articles from a J 1.5 site, none of the captions display on these, and the usual formatting for images is not applied. - there are no margins or captions on them. Images are formatted with
- Code: Select all
I can turn captions back on for these legacy articles by adding
- Code: Select all
at line 52 of components/content/controller.php, and adding the necessary styles to the CSS , however doing that messes up the formatting on any images added via the newer J3 "images & Links" facility.
Is there a way to activate the formatting and captions on legacy content with images formatted with class="caption" ?