EasyBlog Video Gallery Problems

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GK User
Thu Mar 20, 2014 2:28 am
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Is it possible for NSP to take the videos embedded in EasyBlog and display them on the homepage? I followed your documentation but Im having a hard time trying to figure out why it's not showing the videos on the homepage. I keep getting Error: No articles to display even though I do have articles to display within a specific category.
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GK User
Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:47 am
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Try your time offset in both the module and easyblog. I had the same issue, try also setting your article dates to a few days before today. But the time offset should be the issue.
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Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:43 am
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jkosick wrote:Try your time offset in both the module and easyblog. I had the same issue, try also setting your article dates to a few days before today. But the time offset should be the issue.

Hi thanks for offering up a solution. I'm a little confused by offset. Are you saying that the actual time that I have set in the control panel vs UTC time? So in my case, I'm on the East coast in the US, so my offset would be 5 hours?
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Thu Mar 20, 2014 7:45 pm
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Ok so now my next problem is I can't figure out how to get an actual video to display. It won't load a lightbox of the video. I've followed all of the steps in the configuration details, as a matter of fact I have 2 installations. One is the quick install (which I'm using as a reference for the configurations because the template configuration page you guys have skips some of the applied styles that you have in information blocks etc...) and the other is the bare bones installation (which is the actual site) because there were some unnecessary extensions that I don't believe my client needs.

So far I've referenced the following for help
http://www.gavick.com/documentation/joo ... iguration/
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