Cyberek, first of all, thank you for your support so far.
I could fix some of the problems reading the topic you posted here, but some of them still remain there. I'll try to be the most clar possible about those problem I'm still having.
Just to be clear, every problem below we know it's a problem because we are comparing with the
Demo website.
#Problem 1Description of the Problem: When any user is editing his profile, that little help box appears on the background when he hovers over the options shown. (i.e. Hovering over "Nome de usuário").
Path to the Problem: Entrar > "Log in" > Minha Conta > Editar perfil (
In the demo website would be in the same part of "Edit profile")
Image of the Problem:
#Problem 2Description of the Problem: At "Sponsored Links", the description is below the image while in the demo website the description is on the image. That would'nt be a problem if the color of the letters were not white. The way they are now the white background color doesn't let the user see the description because it makes the letters invisible.
Path to the Problem: At the botton of the Main Page, where in the Demo are the "Sponsored Links".
Image of the problem:
#Problem 3Description of the Problem: Everytime we try to change that big blue Gran Turismo 6 banner that appears on the demo page, something strange happens. The image goes to the bottom of that column he was before. Just to make it clear, we can change the image, what we can't is to keep the image at the original banner position.
Path to the Problem: In the middle of the Home Page, the blue banner.
Image of the banner at the demo website:
Image of the banner after we try to configure it on owr website:
#Problem 4Description of the Problem: The letters in the title of those news just below that "Gran Turismo 6" banner are white in the Demo, but in our website for some reason they're black.
Path to the Problem: In the middle of the Home Page, just below the blue banner, at "News, updates, rumors and more".
Image of the problem: 
That's all Cyberek, I'll eagerly wait for a response.
Kind regards,