I have a question about adding in a K2 plugin feature to the modules come with the theme. Basically, what I have is downloaded the plugin for K2 that allows you to add a topic to more than one category. I have it working on the main display pages, but am needing some guidance on where to put the code so that the module recognizes the plugin.
This is what I found on the author's web site, but I don't think it addresses modules, just the component itself. If you guys have any suggestions, please feel free to throw them my way.
i do this so...
your template / html / mod_k2_content / your template / default.php
Find this
<?php if($params->get('itemCategory')): ?>
<?php echo JText::_('K2_IN') ; ?> <a class="moduleItemCategory" href="<?php echo $item->categoryLink; ?>"><?php echo $item->categoryname; ?> </a>
<?php if($params->get('itemCategory')): ?>
<?php echo JText::_('K2_IN') ; ?> <a class="moduleItemCategory" href="<?php echo $item->categoryLink; ?>"><?php echo $item->categoryname; ?>
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
JPluginHelper::importPlugin ('k2');
$additional_category_links=$dispatcher->trigger('onK2AfterLinkCategoryPublish', array($item->id));
echo $additional_category_links[0];?>
Thank you for your help in advance!