hi guys
the image show in the header is stuck on a grey background and has the clock just spinning... (preload)
i have setup as per the config and have turned off all compression etc...
is there a fix for this?
dziudek wrote:Hello,
Could you provide an URL to your website with this problem?
dziudek wrote:Please try to temporary disable gk ajax search plugin and the analytics plugin and then check your website.
dziudek wrote:Do you have any other 3rd party extensions which can cause the conflict?
Please also try to enable JS compression in the template settings under "Advanced" tab.
dziudek wrote:In this case it will be hard to help you - please attach the screenshot of the errors in the JavaScript console in your browser.
try {$Gavick;}catch(e){$Gavick = {};};$Gavick["gkIs-gk-is-172"] = { "anim_speed": 500, "anim_interval": 5000, "autoanim": , "slide_links": 0 };
$document->addScriptDeclaration('try {$Gavick;}catch(e){$Gavick = {};};$Gavick["gkIs-'.$this->config['module_id'].'"] = { "anim_speed": '.$this->config['config']->gk_game->gk_game_animation_speed.', "anim_interval": '.$this->config['config']->gk_game->gk_game_animation_interval.', "slide_links": '.$this->config['config']->gk_game->gk_game_slide_links.' };');
$document->addScriptDeclaration('try {$Gavick;}catch(e){$Gavick = {};};$Gavick["gkIs-'.$this->config['module_id'].'"] = { "anim_speed": '.$this->config['config']->gk_game->gk_game_animation_speed.', "anim_interval": '.$this->config['config']->gk_game->gk_game_animation_interval.', "autoanim": '.$this->config['config']->gk_game->gk_game_autoanimation.', "slide_links": '.$this->config['config']->gk_game->gk_game_slide_links.' };');