Problem Cache

December '13 Joomla Template
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GK User
Wed Dec 10, 2014 6:17 am
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Good night.
Yesterday I put the site of a client in the air - and today had to disable the caches (both as template joomla), because it is giving several errors.
When we publish a new article (K2), it appears, but the entire category is without the template until the cache is cleared. As it is a news site, it is impossible to work well.
I hung up the 2 caches, but the site is very slow, because it is great.
Although the images have been optimized, Google insights presents several template errors.
Problem with fonts and template plugins problem with PNG icons template, among others. If you check the see the mistakes.
I tried to compress the css and js and the site was all garbled. The sources are gone from various places, the image gallery stopped working (Simple Image Gallery Pro - paid), among other problems. So I had to disable all compressions.
It is difficult to work with a large and dynamic website without that use these tools.
As the site is already online, I need an answer quickly, because the site is Carnival and this time is quite accessible. It has existed for years and did all the remodeling, but I'm finding all these problems, which can not be checked before the site is in the air. I can not compress files while I'm still developing. Or enable cache. And now with him in the air, I have all these problems.
Found on the internet other people with similar problems after updating joomla in relation to the framework, but are from other companies.
I hope you can help me as soon as possible.
Looking forward & regards,
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Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:29 am
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I can see that You indeed have a lot of javascript files and this is mostly the problem. Some of this files should be excluded from compression before cache is enabled. So this is not a matter of bug, but code incompability while being rewritten in one file. I suspect JCH plugin may process this files better, so please try that. If not exclude outside files first than biggest one. Same with css files. Cache should be working fine than. You may also test jotCache component. That's my favourite cache extension. It has a drawback that articles may be showing after cache is rebuild, but it's worth it when You will compare a site speed.
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GK User
Thu Dec 11, 2014 2:10 am
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Thank you.
I'll try the suggestions and see what happens ...
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GK User
Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:49 am
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Hi. Good night.
Look I looked your suggestions and I am thinking of installing the plugin JCH, but you also suggested another plugin for caching and from what I understand the JCH also works at the level of cache.
Then you need two?
Another thing, I'm thinking of installing Akeeba to optimize backups and not have to be doing it all the time, especially in sites that have dynamic content and every day has new items.
What do you think of Akeeba? It is good? Give a conflict?
You said I'm with many plugins on the site (, but if you look scripts are required for the site, because it really is very large and with many functions, requested by the client.
Do you have some extra suggestion for this? What to do in such cases?

I'm with another problem in that site ...
Installed recaptcha and he or work in the K2 registration or work in joomla (contact). You know how to solve this?
I have looked in all it was place and I find the solution ...
I need to work on both - the Registration users (K2) and site contact (contact joomla).
Super thanks for your help and sorry if I'm bothering you, but always try to find solutions before asking for help, but not always encounter. Sometimes even as a matter of difficulty to be of another language (Brazil).

Thanks again, regards,
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Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:11 pm
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Use JCH to have less files and jotCache to speed the site further.

This is a reported joomla bug, but please update joomla, recaptcha plugin and template to the latest version. Maybe it was resolved already.
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