Good night.
Yesterday I put the site of a client in the air - www.blocofolia.com.br and today had to disable the caches (both as template joomla), because it is giving several errors.
When we publish a new article (K2), it appears, but the entire category is without the template until the cache is cleared. As it is a news site, it is impossible to work well.
I hung up the 2 caches, but the site is very slow, because it is great.
Although the images have been optimized, Google insights presents several template errors.
Problem with fonts and template plugins problem with PNG icons template, among others. If you check the https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights see the mistakes.
I tried to compress the css and js and the site was all garbled. The sources are gone from various places, the image gallery stopped working (Simple Image Gallery Pro - paid), among other problems. So I had to disable all compressions.
It is difficult to work with a large and dynamic website without that use these tools.
As the site is already online, I need an answer quickly, because the site is Carnival and this time is quite accessible. It has existed for years and did all the remodeling, but I'm finding all these problems, which can not be checked before the site is in the air. I can not compress files while I'm still developing. Or enable cache. And now with him in the air, I have all these problems.
Found on the internet other people with similar problems after updating joomla in relation to the framework, but are from other companies.
I hope you can help me as soon as possible.
Looking forward & regards,