Regarding the breadcrumb, try to filter the home of the breadcrumb, add the following code into user.functions.php file:
- Code: Select all
function my_breadcrumb_home( $home ) {
return 'Starter Clothing';
add_filter('gavern_breadcrumb_home', 'my_breadcrumb_home');
Regarding the hover effect on images, try with this css code:
- Code: Select all
.aligncenter {
-webkit-transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);
-moz-transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);
-ms-transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);
-o-transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);
transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);
-webkit-transition: all .2s linear;
-moz-transition: all .2s linear;
-ms-transition: all .2s linear;
-o-transition: all .2s linear;
transition: all .2s linear;
.aligncenter:hover {
-webkit-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-5deg);
-moz-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-5deg);
-ms-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-5deg);
-o-transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-5deg);
transform: scale(1.2) rotate(-5deg);
but it's not all, you'll have to add another containter for your image, i.e. <div class="hover-containter">...
and add overflow:hidden css rule for this container.