here is an interesting issue. When I import a product via the woocommerce csv importer it creates a product and all the values I have set to import. However it wont yet show up on my website in the category i place the product in until I actually click on edit on the product in wordpress and then click the blue update button. Its almost like it is importing the product however not saving all the necessary files or links to make it show up in the actual theme, until I "update" the actual product in wordpress. Even if I'm not changing any content when I update it. And even weirder when I click on "view" on the product in the products tab in wordpress it will take me to the product on the website however I when I click the product category on the website it is in it does not show up in the theme, until again I edit/update the product in wordpress.
I have hundreds of products im importing so I cant edit/update every one, and bulk/quick update doesn't work. I'm trying to figure out exactly what the theme is lacking on my import that is not allowing it to show up so I can bulk do this in wordpress if possible.