instalation (locale) problem

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GK User
Thu May 14, 2015 7:22 am
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I have installed many joomla templates from quickstart, without any problem (to get the demo copy)

this was the first template from gavick and the quickstart does not work as expected :(

first, there is a mysql error on FE caused while the VM tables were created with cs_cz suffix, but the joomla language is en_gb. The same even if I manualy choose EN as the instalation language.

this was probably solved after installing czech language to joomla, but it's far from 'easy way to get exact copy of demo'

so now is doing sometnig, but stil not ok, there are many images missing, or it's look as the are there, but just grey.. this is intended behaviour? if yes, than ok, but it;s not exact copy then..

all others templates I have bought were without any problem with the quickstart, so I'm quiet disappointed
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GK User
Thu May 14, 2015 9:57 am
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1. Please read our documentation about installing different than default Joomla/VM language: ... quickstart
2. Images are not included in quickstart as they are copyrighted only to use on our demo server. You can buy any image on stock services such as istockphoto, icanphoto etc. Also - its quite obvious that your shop will hafe different images and products than our demo data.
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