How do I reduce or remove the area in red on all pages?. See attachment. Here is the url: http://kindredvision.org/index.php/k2-users/contact
bkrztuk wrote:Please just try to change module position for the 'contact' custom HTML module to mainbody_bottom. The bottom module position have some big padding due to background images, when you publish your content on some other position the space should disappear.
#gkBottomSection { padding: 0}
bkrztuk wrote:Please add this code to override.css file in root/templates/gk_template_name/css directory :
- Code: Select all
#gkBottomSection { padding: 0}
and then just remember to enable "Use override CSS" option in template advanced settings tab. Probably the best will be to add some suffix for this page via suffix for pages feature and change this code to :
.suffix #gkBottomSection { padding: 0 } to avoid problems on other pages.