I apologize in advance if this is an easy question, but I have looked and can't find a way to change the size of the Title for the articles. When I look at the source code it says it's the h1 tag, which is great and exactly the way I would want it, but when I create an override in the override.css folder (yes it's turned on) it has no effect. So then I changed it directly in the template.css folder, and still no affect. 44 is just too large for our needs. I need it to be closer to 34 or maybe eve a little smaller. I've also tried other things and nothing will work. I actually changed the font size for the body text from 18 to 14 using the override.css for this template and it worked great! I've never had this much trouble before changing the font size of an h tag, and I've done it with many templates in the past. So again, I apologize if it's a simple solution, but then again, maybe that's a good thing if it is
Thanks for any help you can provide.