Piotr Kunicki wrote:Hi,
I've just recreate this situation - remove widget (only one is visible on the frontpage on the header area), refresh the page, then added the same widget again and don't see any problem with that - it's like it was in the beginning.
Hi again. Thanks for the effort.
Unfortunately I think I was not precise enough so we might have a misunderstanding.
In your quick-start bundle (WP + CloudHost theme) there are 3 active text widgets in the Header widget area:
1. Cloud managed hosting with 3 offerings
2. Domain search
3. Have a question?
What I am saying is that twice already when I remove the three text widgets from the Header widget area (not the widget area itself), the background is gone (which is obvious why) and the top menu becomes static.
The odd thing is that when I return those same three text widgets back, or any other widget for that matter, the background is still missing and the top menu stays static. Please take a look at my screenshot again.