I am trying to change the background color of the header (top div inside the header background image) and main menu in CloudHost theme (using WordPress).
So... I've made a child theme, and it's style.css looks like this (with the theme name and all that added above):
@import url("../CloudHost/style.css");
@import url("../CloudHost/css/wp.css");
.imageBg #gk-head > div:first-child {
background: rgba(5, 13, 16, 1);
... but it doesn't work. I also tried following the instructions given here: https://www.gavick.com/forums/cloudhost ... 32452.html but with no change.
What am I doing wrong?
P.S. It would be great if there was documentation for WP, not just Joomla, or am I missing it somehow?