Custom Position

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GK User
Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:47 pm
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Dear Gavick. Could you please explain what the best practice is in terms of creating a new custom position (for inserting social icons, as an example) in order to maintain the template's responsive design? Thank you in advance.
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Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:41 pm
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Gavick - this is a name of our boss , and he does not reply on the forum.

About your question,
we have a guide, which may be useful: ... -position/

:arrow: Remember that is typical customization job, and it requires knowledge basics of html and css.
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Sat Jan 11, 2014 7:00 pm
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Pawel F wrote:Hi,
Gavick - this is a name of our boss , and he does not reply on the forum.

About your question,
we have a guide, which may be useful: ... -position/

:arrow: Remember that is typical customization job, and it requires knowledge basics of html and css.

Pawel, thanks for your reply. I generally use "Gavick," because it's the name of the website.

I am aware of that customization. I was just curious if there was any recommendation for implementing it on responsive templates. Thank you.
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Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:19 am
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I was just curious if there was any recommendation for implementing it on responsive templates.

It depends of your knowledge of CSS, if you are working with RWD - I always suggest to read few articles about this technique or even books - it will help you understand how it works in general.

1) The main tip is try to do not use "!important" values, which can break template.
2) Sometimes you don't have to add additional module position - because you can also add modules into articles or inside another module.
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Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:32 am
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Pawel F wrote:
I was just curious if there was any recommendation for implementing it on responsive templates.

It depends of your knowledge of CSS, if you are working with RWD - I always suggest to read few articles about this technique or even books - it will help you understand how it works in general.

1) The main tip is try to do not use "!important" values, which can break template.
2) Sometimes you don't have to add additional module position - because you can also add modules into articles or inside another module.

Great, Pawel. Thank you.
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