Ok, let's start:
1) Logo is too big, that's why is in collision line with menu items.
also this may help
- Code: Select all
.gkMenu > ul > li > a, .imageBg #gkMenuWrap .gkMenu > ul > li > a { padding: 0 14px; }
to reduce paddings between menu items.
2) Text on blue background : "Pour commander, contactez-nous par Tél. 02-99-41-56-16 ou par ....."
This code will help you put text into middle
- Code: Select all
.gk-info, #gkMenuWrap .gk-info { line-height: 33px;}
3) Nos Marques logos - putting all inside table - was weak solution, better use <li> and display:inline;
I suggest also to add white background if you don't want to change logotypes colors, but if have time use invert color in graphic tool
4) Bottom links -- use better URL than : "component/content/article/120-divers/159-mentions-legales" - just add to menu then you will get shorten versions.