I am setting up a brand new site with a clean database.
First I tried to install the Joomla 3 quickstart. That went well until the final step of the installation, "Creating configuration file". The installer got stuck there and wasn't able to finish. I tried several times using different browsers and emptied the database between each attempt but never got past the "creating configuration file".
So instead I tried to install the 2.5 quickstart after emptying the database and files again. Everything appeared to have gone smoothly, but when I log into the administrator I only get a blank page. Front end is fine. After deleting the browser cookies and reloading the admin page, I get the login screen again. If I try to enter a wrong password, I get the standard Joomla error message saying that user name and password do not match. If I enter the correct password, I am sent to a blank page.
Are there any issues with the quickstart packages or do you have any other suggestions?
PS! I have installed dozens of Joomlas before without these problems, including other Gavick quickstarts.