GK Grid III + Gk Overlay Title Thumbnails are Low Quality.

Professional social WordPress theme with metro design, fully-adjustable grid widget and BuddyPress support.
GK User
Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:02 pm
As per title, the thumbnails are low quality. The data source for the grid are blog posts/posts slugs and the thumbnail generated into the GK Grid is slightly *zoomed* in and low quality even though the featured image from the post the Grid is pulling from is high resolution/high quality. I'd like the GK Grid to display a thumbnail that's higher quality an not zoomed in by default. Setting the image size to match the exact size/dimension of the featured image doesn't seem to help? How do fix/configure this so the images displayed on the grid are of equal/high quality of the actual image it is displaying?
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Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:01 am

Could you provide an URL to your website? here or via PM?
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GK User
Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:20 am
Piotr Kunicki wrote:Hi,

Could you provide an URL to your website? here or via PM?

Piotr Kunicki wrote:Hi,

Could you provide an URL to your website? here or via PM?

Will it be possible to troubleshoot w/o pointing to my site? Reason: my site is a private blog restricted to family/friends only thus containing personal information that I would prefer not connected with my gavick profile even through PM.

Again, I use GK Grid Title Overlay within Grid III - The GKGTO pulls from my blog posts using Post Slugs. GKGTO pulls the featured image associated with a given blog post and displays it within the Grid. However, the image produced within the grid takes a slight drop in overall quality and the image is *zoomed* in slightly with the default overlay on mousover.

I want the image produced within the grid to match 1:1 in quality with the featured image thumbnail within the post. The featured image thumbnail displayed on my blog is wonderful quality in relation to the actual size image. Yet, the grid image produced from that same image is poorer quality in comparison.

Perhaps I must define the size of the image within the GKGTO widget settings? I am unsure how to define the image settings either for the thumbnail size I want (?) or the actual image size (?) or the the size of the thumbnail produced in the grid (?)

Nevertheless, I just want a quality image produced within the grid. Best method to produce best results of images/thumbnails produced within the grid from posts via GK Grid Title Overlay?

Tips/Advice/Solutions needed...

Thank you!
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Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:04 pm
WIthout your website URL I can't check this issue exactly, but no problem I'll try to give you some general tips. GK Grid widget is used only to display other widgets in the grid, so you have to configure your source GK Grid Title Overlay properly (use another image dimensions). Here is the example of GKGTO and GK Grid:
http://demo.gavick.com/wordpress/msocia ... uration-i/

and images here look good.
You can also use text widget to display images, this article should be helpfull:
http://www.gavick.com/blog/how-does-gk- ... ally-work/
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GK User
Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:19 pm
nthcorp wrote:As per title, the thumbnails are low quality. The data source for the grid are blog posts/posts slugs and the thumbnail generated into the GK Grid is slightly *zoomed* in and low quality even though the featured image from the post the Grid is pulling from is high resolution/high quality. I'd like the GK Grid to display a thumbnail that's higher quality an not zoomed in by default. Setting the image size to match the exact size/dimension of the featured image doesn't seem to help? How do fix/configure this so the images displayed on the grid are of equal/high quality of the actual image it is displaying?


To get the thumbnails/images to display 1:1 in high quality within the grid, leave the "image size" settings within the GK Grid Title Overlay Wdiget BLANK - do not enter dimensions and the image will scale in high quality.

Thank you!
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Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:35 pm
UPDATE: If the thumbnail/image within the Grid does not scale in high quality for you by leaving the height/width settings blank, *also* try entering zero "0" within the height/width settings of the GKGTO Image Size settings.
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GK User
Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:38 pm
Good to know, thank you for the solution!
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