nthcorp wrote:I am attempting to re-crate the GK Grid found on the demo theme by following the documenation but after installing the MSocial theme via Wordpress and going to the Widgets category, I see no widget called "GK Grid" only "GK Grid Title Overlay" - very confusing (?)
Can you explain why the documentation shows GK Grid widget and no such widget exists? Instruct further?
GK Grid Widget must be installed separately if you downloaded and installed the default (M)Social Theme files and
NOT the
Quickstart version of the theme.
The GK Grid widget is only installed/available within the Quickstart package otherwise you will need to download it from the Gavick GitHub Repository here:
https://github.com/GavickPro/GK-Grid Unzip and Install the "gk-grid" directory into your "/wp-content/plugins" directory via FTP as instructed here:
https://github.com/GavickPro/GK-Grid/wiki/InstallationLastly, activate the plugin within your Wordpress Plugins Admin and you are good to go!
Worked well for me.