Hi Cyberek
This has reared its head again now but just got a bit more complicated. The client requires that the sidebar image is a user choice. This I have achieved and made work inside of a php widget with
// Find members Theme
$img = xprofile_get_field_data( "Theme", bp_displayed_user_id() );
if ($img == "") {
$img = "Stars";
<div id="sidepanel" class="wrapper<?php echo " bg-".strtolower($img);?>">
and the following css
** - USER THEMES Panel
div#sidepanel {
background: #fff;
padding: 19px; margin-top: 0px;
-webkit-border-radius: 0px;
-moz-border-radius: 0px;
border-radius: 0px;
background: #fff;
height: 100%;
body.bp-user div#sidepanel,
body.page div#sidepanel,
body.groups div#sidepanel {background: #fff url(../images/profile_bg.png) repeat-y !important;}
body.parent-pageid-9 div#sidepanel,
body.page-id-9 div#sidepanel,
body.directory div#sidepanel,
body.single-post div#sidepanel {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_profiletheme_bluestars.gif) right top repeat-y !important;}
body.directory.members div#sidepanel {background: #fff !important}
** - USER THEMES Panel Images
body.bp-user div#sidepanel.bg-hear {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_hear.gif) right top repeat-y !important; }
body.bp-user div#sidepanel.bg-hands {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_bluehands.gif) right top repeat-y !important;}
body.bp-user div#sidepanel.bg-photo {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_greenphoto.gif) right top repeat-y !important;}
body.bp-user div#sidepanel.bg-ocean {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_ocean.gif) right top repeat-y !important; }
body.bp-user div#sidepanel.bg-leaves {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_leaves.gif) right top repeat-y !important;}
body.bp-user div#sidepanel.bg-animals {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_animals.gif) right top repeat-y !important;}
body.bp-user div#sidepanel.bg-eyes {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_eyes.gif)} right top repeat-y !important;}
body.bp-user div#sidepanel.bg-flys {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_flys.gif) right top repeat-y !important;}
body.bp-user div#sidepanel.bg-movies {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_movies.gif) right top repeat-y !important;}
body.bp-user div#sidepanel.bg-stars {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_profiletheme_bluestars.gif) right top repeat-y !important;}
body.bp-user div#sidepanel.bg-mouth {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_mouth.gif) right top repeat-y !important;}
/*body.bp-user div#sidepanel.bg-heart {background: #fff url(../images/backgrounds/bg_purplestars.gif) right top repeat-y !important;}*/
This creates the background inside the widget but obviously only to the widget height. I tried to get the code inside theme sidebar.php but I couldn't get it to work with my limited skills
My aim was to make it work inside the widget and hopefully make that match the height of gk-mainbody. I would then withwidget rules display in desktop only thus no responsive issues. But no joy.
So back to JQuery !! Can you example the required code for the aside bg and where to put it? If it is the sidebar background rather than the widget if I hide the widget in Tablet and Mobile with widget rules will the bg image still display responsively. Obviously if no widgets we would want no aside bg.
My efforts so far as described above
http://siteshackdevsites.info/ssrebuild ... s/aasmeer/Any help would be great as this is a not for profit organisation and so budgets are very tight
Many thanks