Widgets Rules not working as expected in MSocial

Professional social WordPress theme with metro design, fully-adjustable grid widget and BuddyPress support.
GK User
Wed Feb 05, 2014 6:26 pm

I want to use some widgets in sidebar zone for all pages except frontpage and buddy press pages and other widgets only for buddy press pages., but I think there's some bug since I can't get this properly configured.

First, it seems strange that "Select page to add" drop down only list the buddy press activity page and not the other BP pages like Members or Groups. If I use this page it works ok, but I need do the same for the rest of BP pages

If I use 'Page' I can't get it work using title (''Miembros' or 'Usuarios') or slug ('miembros'')

Maybe this is something known?


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GK User
Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:13 am

For now there's widget rules only for activity page. You can easily add other using simple plugin: - widget logic and following BP conditional tags:
http://codex.buddypress.org/developer/t ... reference/
(is funciton section - e.g. bp_is_groups, bp_is_friends).

Regarding the issue with Page wideg rule, are you sure that you are typing proper slug of the page and of course if you are using a static page instead a default latest post as a homepage you should use widget rules for this static page.

If you'll have still any problem with that, send me a PM with backend access, then I'll try to help..
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