2 small bugs with buddypress and suggestion

Professional social WordPress theme with metro design, fully-adjustable grid widget and BuddyPress support.
GK User
Sat Feb 01, 2014 1:46 pm

Just to let you know, I detected two small bugs on Msocial, in the activity page. This is with a fresh install of the quickstart package and the errors are easily fixable, so just in case you didn't notice.

Windows 7, last version of Chrome. I see these two minor errors:
1. When the page is loaded, a part of the div containing the additional buttons for a status input is showing: http://i.imgur.com/By4dJDg.jpg
2. When the input textarea has focus, the panel shows, but the buttons could be more properly aligned: http://i.imgur.com/08q9xKk.jpg
3. Suggestion: when the user puts focus on the textarea, the additional div shows up. It would be nice that when after that, he clicks anywhere else, to hide that div. This is just an opinion, of course. Maybe the majority of the people prefer to still display it.

Thanks for the awesome theme! Cheers!
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:07 am

Thanks for the feedback, we'll improve these bugs in the next theme update and consider your suggestion regarding textarea.
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