I installed the actual gk_msocial_quickstart in a clean folder on my remote server. After a short time of testing most of the pages and posts disappeared from the database and the gk_grid widget was corrupted (see screenshot below).
To learn more I installed the quickstart version once again, this time on my local testserver. Everything went fine, except the fact, that the fonts styles changed uncommanded from time to time.
Finally I wanted to go back to the remote server. In a new folder I installed an actual WP and added the gk_msocial theme. The widgets did not show up, so I imported them from the local server installation. This import was not fully successfull, the gk_grid widgets did not install/import.
Now I decided to try it again with the quickstart package on the remote server, which I installed once again in a complete new and clean folder. And again the gk_grid widgets were distored. Additionally there is a difference in the layout between the backend widget page on the remote and the local server.
I attach some screenshots.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Tobias