Suggestion: Woocommerce integration

Professional social WordPress theme with metro design, fully-adjustable grid widget and BuddyPress support.
GK User
Fri Dec 13, 2013 4:20 pm
This theme is just great... awesome look and with buddypress integration, I just love it. It is so versatile that it's a shame it doesn't have Woocommerce integrated, as this theme can really be configured to a wide array of different sites.
As much as we can use Woocommerce is not the same as if the theme provided native and good looking support for it ;).

I know it's a relatively new theme, but just in case the team wants to have a crack at integrating Woocommerce... it would make one of the best themes in Wordpress by far.

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sat Dec 14, 2013 11:41 am

Thank you very much for your opinion :) I'll talk with our WordPress developer about this idea. It is possible that in January we will add the WooCommerce support for it :)
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