Hi, i have the same problem with all my GK News Show Pro and GK Grid Widgets, they do not load, i just have the endless spining icon. Having enabled the error console in safari, i get the following error message:
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (nsp.css, line 0)
http://www.theallseeingeye.com/wp-conte ... ?ver=3.7.1[Error] TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'item.attr('data-depends').split')
(anonymous function) (gk-nsp-admin.js, line 1)
each (load-scripts.php, line 3)
initUI (gk-nsp-admin.js, line 1)
init (gk-nsp-admin.js, line 5)
(anonymous function) (widgets.php, line 1275)
each (load-scripts.php, line 3)
each (load-scripts.php, line 3)
(anonymous function) (widgets.php, line 1257)
I have tried to reinstall plugins but no luck. Any ideas?