Hello to all,
I'm developing a website with (M)social + k2 and I'm having a problem with the creation of a new article from the frontend.
The site development is of http://www.matrimonioinmaggiolone.com/dev
if you register everything works properly, you receive the email, you can access it at the time when you try to create a new Article k2 with the "aggiungi maggiolone" window that opens has only the button "log out."
If you want you can try the error you first hand testing inscription, then the inclusion of an article from the frontend ...
Until a few days ago everything worked correctly, I made some changes on translations but also disabling them still see the error ...
By controlling the url for the creation of a new article is: index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=itemform&task=add
but what I see when I click on the menu item: index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=aHR0cDovL21hdHJpbW9uaW9pbm1hZ2dpb2xvbmUuY29tL2Rldi9pbnNlcmlzY2ktbWFnZ2lvbG9uZS5odG1s&tmpl=component
This makes me think that could be a problem with the login (k2 does not see that they are properly authenticated?) But the thing that makes me thrilled is that until Thursday (the day when I did the last tests) everything worked great .. .
I do not know where to bang my head, I tried reinstalling k2 but nothing ... I tried to create a simple article joomla and what works ...
Many thanks in advance to those who will give me a hand ...