In my web site www.venturaluca.com/portal (I use Joomla 3.6.5 and MSocial template ver. 3.21.1)
I would like to change (to reduce) in home page the size (in %) of #gkContent position because I need to increase the size of #gkSidebar position. I have checked that is by default size of #gkContent is equal to 77.25%. In fact when I see the code of my home page I find the following code:
#gkContent { width: 77.25%; }
I tried to modify above css code inserting in the Custom CSS Code section of "Advanced Settings" of MSocial template something like this:
#gkContent { width: 70%; }
but it doesn't work!! In fact when I load home page I am going on seeing the same old css code, that is to say the following one:
#gkContent { width: 77.25%; }
How can I do?
Thanks a lot.