Hi, the site is [url]v-boge.org[/url] and now it's J! 2.5.28 and (M)Social. Since J!2 is a gonner, I was looking into upgrade. But since site is live and active, I decided to rehearse it offline before I upgrade the live one. Downloaded backup to the localhost, set it up and site's working locally. I traced back and removed three components that would block the upgrade. Finally it did upgrade, but comes up with black page as frontpage. If I turn off (M)Social (switch to the standard template of J!3 - site's working. If I roll on Quark - it does work, but requires the whole lot of tweaking. While I do it offline the live site will change. So, I need to somehow make this upgrade possible online with the same template and only then look into template changeif that's still needed.
Any help or advice?