there are 12 background pattern options in the settings (most of them are a grey background). Where can I change these background. For example I want to add a new background on position XI wich file should I change to accomplisch that?
this is the generic answer in how to create a background. But I want to use the standards within the template only with other images.
In the template (M)Social there are options for color, style and pattern. I just want to replace the standard patterns (I to XII) with new ones (not all patterns are filled at this moment).
For example color III is a greyblue and pattern V is a wood background. Now I would like to make pattern 3 a background with leaves. How do I process?
i feel we do not understand each other. I ask a different question. I got the override the background response earl;ier and that is not the answer i am seeking.
In (m)social there are basic settings in whick you can change color and background. For example the background with wood (so no color). Where is this image soted so I can replace it with a different image?
It should take you 10 sec to check where bg images from template are stored. This is no magic at all. Just open template package and .... gk_msocial\images\patterns