How can I change background colour and date's colour of featured articles in Msocial Template? In demo version of Msocial template all is based on orange colour but I would like use a different colour. Thanks a lot. Luca
teitbite wrote:Hi
Please show me an example of a page with featured article You would like to change background for.
#nsp-nsp-718 .nspArtPage .nspArt:nth-child(2),
#nsp-nsp-718 .nspArtPage .nspArt:nth-child(4) {
background-color: #000000;
teitbite wrote:Hi
Och. You mean articles shown by News Show Pro module. I'm afraid there is no way to tell which article is featured and which one is not. If articles will be static and not change You can add backgorund by position. Like this:
- Code: Select all
#nsp-nsp-718 .nspArtPage .nspArt:nth-child(2),
#nsp-nsp-718 .nspArtPage .nspArt:nth-child(4) {
background-color: #000000;
.blog-featured {
background-color: #000000;
teitbite wrote:Hi
All css modifications has to be placed in override.css file and override needs to be enabled in template settings.
I must have misunderstood. If You want to add a background to featured articles in featured layout than this code has to be used:
- Code: Select all
.blog-featured {
background-color: #000000;