If you click "Home" you fall back to standard language

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GK User
Tue Dec 02, 2014 4:58 pm
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If I choose a language different than the default language and click on Home or logo, I land on the home page of the default language.
How can I adjust that when you click on "Home" you are keep staying at the selected language?
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Fresh Boarder

Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:16 am
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Could you please provide me with a URL to your website, either here or via PM (click the “Private Message” text underneath my avatar) so that I may analyze it? It is a lot easier for us to diagnose issues when we have a live site to examine.
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Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:31 pm
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I think menu is not created properly. I think You have a german language home page set in the menu directly while it should be in a separated menu. Please take a look into this article: https://www.gavick.com/documentation/un ... oomla-1-7/
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GK User
Wed Dec 10, 2014 5:47 pm
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Hi Teitbite,
thanks a lot for your answer and the link. The way I see it, everything should be correct. I have a "default-menu" with the language of all. Then a German menu and also a menu in English. Both have a "Home" button. I've tried different, but I'm stuck :(
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Fresh Boarder

Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:13 pm
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Acctually, everything is probably correct. Looks like joomla works this way starting from a frontpage when You change language. I've just tested it on my computer. Try using falang and translate pages. I always use this component and since content is translated each language veriosn is using same Itemid, so joomla can stay on the same page, but show a different content.

With joomla multilanguage standard solution each page has a different Itemid, so there is no way to tell which Itemid is in pair with this language, so starting from homepage is neccessary.
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