Frontpage Layout

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GK User
Mon May 26, 2014 10:06 pm
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Can you please help me with a few problems on my website? If you look at the url you'll see what the problems are:

1. I have put together a basic article slider using the GK News module. However, I would prefer to use the Roksprocket slider, but I can't get it to display correctly. I currently have the GK News module published to the top1 position, and it displays fine. I have the Roksprocket module published to the top2 position, but all you see is two dots at either side. I experimented with other Roksprocket layouts, and some would display but only with text, no images. Note, I am pulling all contact from Easyblog articles. Can you please suggest how I can get the Roksprocket module to work in this template?

2. If you look down the page, I have published 3 modules to the mainbody_bottom position, and they are all on top of each other. I'd prefer to be able to 'float' the modules and have them side by side. How do I do this?

3. There appears to be a problem with the routing. When I click any of the links from the GK News module (I have a second one published further down), the Easyblog article appears embedded in the home page. When I click the same link again for the second time, it displays correctly as an Easyblog article. I have cut and pasted the two URLs below:

First Click ... Itemid=101

Second Click ... den-market

Can you please suggest how to correct this?

Many thanks,

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Junior Boarder

Tue May 27, 2014 9:39 pm
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1. This other module is not working becuase of a javascript error:

TypeError: current[key] is undefined
error source line:
current[key].styles(Object.merge({},, {'z-index': 1}));

This may be like that because of a wrong javascript library version or a conflict with other extention. It's hard to tell. You should try install easy jquery plugin and make tests with different jquery versions. This can also be something in a module itself.

2. Please add this to override.css and make sure override is enabled in template settings:

Code: Select all
#gkMainbodyBottom .box {
    float: left;
    margin: 0 4px;
    width: auto;

but this will disable this position for old display.

3. This is a problem with menu structure. Here is an article explaining the solution for that: ... s-working/
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GK User
Thu May 29, 2014 12:59 am
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I managed to get the CSS template override working - so thanks for that.

So far I've not had any luck resolving the issue with the Roksprocket slider. I loaded the easy jQuery plugin and tried different versions, but this did not resolve the problem.

Doing a bit more research, it appears that Roksprocket requires mootools to be loaded. If my understanding is correct, this has to be 'enabled' in the template and the specific page to to be nominated. I've tried doing this, but when I enter the item id (which I assume is the menu item id) and attempt to save, I keep losing the menu item ID which I keyed in. I may be barking completely up the wrong tree, but if loading mootools would solve the problem, could you please explain how to do it?

Alternatively, could you recommend an alternative slider that will work with the Gavick template. I need to pull content and images from Easyblog.


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Junior Boarder

GK User
Thu May 29, 2014 1:19 am
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I worked out how to enable the mootools library in the template. The menu item id is 101, so I entered this then clicked the 'Add rule' box and it created the rule '101=Enabled'

The easy jQuery plugin has a report mode which tells me what javascript has been loaded, and it is not reporting that mootools has been loaded - could that possibly be the problem? If so, what have I done wrong?

Again - could you recommend an article slider that will work with this template which will pull content and images from Easyblog.


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Junior Boarder

GK User
Thu May 29, 2014 11:18 pm
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I gave up with the Roksprocket slider in the end - installed the BT content slider and it worked perfectly first time.

The only problem left to resolve is the routing issue (item 3 in the original post). I read the article you pointed me to and it tells me that I must assign each category with articles used in a module to a menu. I had already done this - I think. If you look at the menu structure on my site, you will see that I have menu items for Fieldsports, Dog Owners, Equestrian and Lifestyle. Each one of these has a category associated with it.

Can you please provide some further assistance to resolve this routing issue?

Many thanks,

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Junior Boarder

GK User
Thu May 29, 2014 11:52 pm
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Routing problem solved. It has to do with Easyblog SEO settings. If anyone else has this problem, please refer to the following article:

You can mark this post as closed now.

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Junior Boarder

Fri May 30, 2014 9:06 pm
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Ok. Thank You for shearing the solution with us. I believe someone will benefit from this. Thread closed.
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