I have a few question about the (M)Social Template.
I plan to make my site Multi language able. This site will be a regional site where I want to give our neighbours in slovakia and hungary their languages when tey come to this site. In tempalte configuration I may select one of the menus as Main menu. But I want to give vistiors their own menu in their own language when they click to their language flags. In protostar template I did this with the following solution.
I made 5 different menus, one menu for all languages, and 4 four for the different languages. When a user, for example clicks on the hungarian flag then the Menu is shown in his language, the same for austrian user and so on. This works perfect.
In (M) Social I tried this but I didn´t find a solution cause in the template settings I can only select one menu and it is not possible to put modules in menu section. Is there a soltuion for my needs?
2. Language switcher instead of Login
I would like to use the position where normally is the Login / Account postion to put the language switcher to this position. this possible?
Thannk´s for you reply,
Greets, Karl