Hi, Im using M Social with Mosets Tree for a future directory in Joomla 3.2.3, I have your latest version of (M) Social
website: http://botanica-criolla.bandaspr.com
Area with problems: http://botanica-criolla.bandaspr.com/glosario-botanico
The problem is that in the general search area of Mosets Tree some of the selectable fields move out of the correct line
I changed the template to the default one of Joomla and everything seems ok but when I change the template back to (M)Social the area looks really bad.
Im including some printscreens with the regular default joomla 3 template and on with (M)Social
Can you provide maybe a override code to include in the template that can fix that area or some change to the space in the template so it will look at is supposed to be?
Thanks in advance