we are working with the quickstart and will lern the workfow for the grid and the Jomsocial feed modul.
i read the documetation and the most is clear but if i look into your example page the 4th GRid
named "Social Activity Wall - New Gk Feed module" and click on it jump to the Albumpage. This ist great,
but we can not do this with our Grid. we play with the parameter photo and status and much more .
If we use the parameter = photo we see the photo click on it, we see a other small pic in a new site.
If we use the parameter = status we see the Avatar and the text OK, Click on it we jump to the JS Userpage.
How can we set the correct parameter to jump into a JS album like your example.
We read the complete docu!!. a little help was fine ,Please
Best Michael